Monday, May 11, 2009

Once Upon a Time

I sometimes reminisce to a time about 15 or so years ago when I was in the thralls of bar-hopping and clubbing. Sometimes I'm relieved those days are over. That was when people could still smoke in bars and clubs in New Jersey so I always came home stinking like smoke. I would have to air out my jackets and pocket books and put my hair up off my face over night so I wouldn't be inhaling the smell of smoke while I slept. And then there was sleep - or lack thereof. If I went out on Wednesday nights, as was popular at the time, I would average about 4 hours of sleep before I had to get up for work the next day. That was rough . . . and yet I continued to do it . . . for years. There was something great about going out with a couple of girlfriends, watching a band play, drinking a couple of beers and having a good time. Sometimes I miss those days. I don't get much of a chance to go out now since having the little guy and being pregnant, but my husband is out just about every weekend. He plays guitar in a band as a hobby and I have gone to see him, just not lately. And I have to say, things are different than they were 15 years ago. My girlfriends and I used to dress to kill - I mean we looked HOT. I would say 99% of the time, we were in little dresses or skirts with heels or boots. Once in a while even shorts with boots - which always worked on the guys. But now, well let's just say the girls go out wearing what they had on all day. That means jeans, a shirt and sneakers or flip flops. I get it, it's more casual now than back in the early 90s. But how about a little effort, ladies. There are so many cute clothes out there, why not look good? Why not make the effort? And I'm not saying for the guys. Who cares about them. For you. Look good because you can. Because now is the time. When you're stuck at home with kids spitting up on you or painting your shirt, that's when you wear something casual. I would LOVE to get dressed up and go out to a club to see a band. Hell I'd probably go shopping just for that night out. Put on a cute little top (once the baby fat is gone of course) and a cute little skirt and maybe some boots or some awesome wedges. Oh to be young and in the clubs again. These girls don't realize they're wasting a prime opportunity to look good. I'm making a pledge that once baby boy #2 finally arrives and I lose the baby fat and I find a sitter that I trust, I'm going to see my husband's band play for an hour or two and I'm going to look hot again. For me . . . and maybe a little bit for him too. But mostly for me. Maybe seeing a hot 40 year old will inspire these girls to want to look good. Or maybe they'll laugh. Either way, I'll feel good knowing I can still pull it off. And I will.