Monday, June 27, 2011

Musing Mondays

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Musing Mondays. This week's musing asks . . . Have you ever read a book that inspired you to take up a cause? What book was it, and what is/was the cause?

I wouldn't go so far as to say I've "taken up a cause" but I am more passionate about it. Domestic violence has always hit a nerve with me, and I've read several novels wherein women or mothers and children take up and leave abusive relationships. "White Oleander" and "Black and Blue" are just two novels that come to mind that have resonated with me. There is a wonderful organization in my area, 180 Turning Lives Around, that addresses domestic violence and even houses those who are fleeing abusive relationships.


  1. White Oleander was a harsh one. Very powerful.

    here's mine:

  2. I have hesitated to read White Oleander because I have heard it is such a powerful book.
    certainly a worthy cause.
