Sunday, December 23, 2012

Reindeer Treat Bags

Every year, my kids have holiday parties at school. Every year I look for something fun to bring to the party.
This year, Pinterest is taking the internet by storm with so many neat ideas to choose from. In a matter of seconds, I found what I wanted to bring.
I found a pin of reindeer water bottles and treat bags. Since I wasn't bringing water, treat bags fit the bill. They were simple to assemble, and I was done quicker than anticipated. All you need is brown paper bags, googly eyes, red pompoms, and clothes pins. Hubs actually thought about adding antlers with the pipe cleaners, but, in my opinion, the pipe cleaners aren't necessary.
You can add whatever you want inside the bags. I knew I was going to put popcorn inside, but didn't want the butter to stain them. A great way to prevent stains is to first put the treat in a small sandwich bag and then put that in the paper bag. The popcorn really puffed up the bags nicely.
Thank goodness for Pinterest. The reindeer bags were a hit at our 1st grade holiday brunch.

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