My 4 year old spent Saturday night at my in-laws. We try to do this every month for several reasons: 1. He likes to stay there. 2. They get to spend one-on-one time with their grandson. 3. We need some time alone after the little guy goes to bed.
Expecting nothing out of the ordinary, I surprisingly got a phone call from my 4 year old at 7pm Saturday night informing me his tooth fell out. I had no idea what he was talking about. Was I even remotely expecting my 4 year old to lose a tooth? No. Did he happen to mention to me that he had a loose tooth? No. I started speaking loudly and quickly asking all sorts of questions. I guess I started to panic a little bit. He was completely fine. I was in a tizzy. That basically sums up my life.
Once I got it through my thick skull that he was, in fact, fine, I felt sad. I actually wanted to cry. I missed the first tooth coming out. I'm sure there will be plenty more, but this was the first tooth of my firstborn. I wanted to be angry or resentful towards my in-laws, but that would be completely irrational. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I am completely irrational. This time I wasn't.
It's a strange feeling when you realize your little boy is growing up. I'm so proud of him and I'm so scared for him all at the same time. I want to keep him little where I can protect him but I want him to grow into a confident, independent man. Who would've thought all these feelings would arise from one little tooth falling out?
Monday, January 31, 2011
SAG Award Fashion Wrap-Up
I have to say the pickens were slim at the Screen Actors Guild Awards last night as far as fashion goes. I had a hard time picking my top 3 best dressed and top 3 worst dressed. Most of the women were dressed somewhere in the middle - didn't love it and didn't hate it. But since I have an opinion about everything, here are my picks:
Top 3 Best Dressed
1. Hilary Swank Love this dress - sophisticated and beautiful all in one.
2. Tina Fey Who would've thought she'd be best dressed but this red number works.
3. Sofia Vergara Love the color and the draping.
Top 3 Worst Dressed
1. January Jones Gold and black - ugh.
2. Angie Harmon Not a fan of the feathers or the bustier top.
3. Eva Longoria She's not tall enough for this dress.
Top 3 Best Dressed
1. Hilary Swank Love this dress - sophisticated and beautiful all in one.
2. Tina Fey Who would've thought she'd be best dressed but this red number works.
3. Sofia Vergara Love the color and the draping.
Top 3 Worst Dressed
1. January Jones Gold and black - ugh.
2. Angie Harmon Not a fan of the feathers or the bustier top.
3. Eva Longoria She's not tall enough for this dress.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
This Week's Freebies Plus a Giveaway I Won
First off, here are the freebies that came in my mail this week. It's always a treat finding some new goodies in the mail knowing I didn't have to pay for them.
Topping it off, I just want to say all these giveaways I enter are actually for real. Sometimes I wonder why I waste so much time entering them and blogging about them. Now I know - you can actually win. It's not something spectacular like a coffeemaker or eReader, but I did win . . . a bottle of syrup thanks to A Nut in a Nutshell. Go ahead, chuckle away. Just know that you have to start small before reaching the big time. Plus my kids get a kick out of the syrup lady.
Topping it off, I just want to say all these giveaways I enter are actually for real. Sometimes I wonder why I waste so much time entering them and blogging about them. Now I know - you can actually win. It's not something spectacular like a coffeemaker or eReader, but I did win . . . a bottle of syrup thanks to A Nut in a Nutshell. Go ahead, chuckle away. Just know that you have to start small before reaching the big time. Plus my kids get a kick out of the syrup lady.
Weekend Window
Today I'm bringing you the view from my window into our backyard. The sun is glistening off the icy snow making it look like little flecks of glitter scattered throughout. I'm sick of the snow but it still looks pretty.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
No Filter Friday
I could make another list of the things that are irking me this week, but I think I'll cover one topic that seems to dominate the news.
I've unwillingly come to know too much about the personal lives of those in the public eye. I understand that being in the public eye means the public sees what you're doing and is somewhat interested. I admit I like my little tidbits of gossip. I just don't need or want to know the down and dirty details of every "celebrity's" life.
Case in point - Kelsey Grammer. I know way too much about his pending divorce. Divorce is painful enough. Do all the little details need to be blasted out over every network? Do I need to hear his divorce is being delayed because his soon-to-be ex-wife wants to re-examine his estate? He was cheating on his wife and she's pissed. We get it. That should be filed under "No Duh." Does she need to go on every channel and discuss it with these wild-eyed gossip collectors? Too much information. It's called personal for a reason!
I can't believe I'm bringing him up again, but Charlie Sheen. I know. I know. So he's hospitalized for "severe abdominal pain." Stop right there. That's all I'd like to hear about that story. Please don't inform me about the vomiting and diarrhea. Too much information. If this guy wants to kill himself, that's his personal business.
Katy Perry's new husband posted a picture of her waking up first thing in the morning looking like, well, like we do first thing in the morning. Really? How many of us would appreciate that photo being blasted around the world - famous or not?
I understand we now have 24 hour news cycles, and those 24 hours need to be filled with information. Isn't there anything else going on in the world that needs to be reported other than whether or not Mark Wahlberg is going commando on the red carpet? Come on . . .
I've unwillingly come to know too much about the personal lives of those in the public eye. I understand that being in the public eye means the public sees what you're doing and is somewhat interested. I admit I like my little tidbits of gossip. I just don't need or want to know the down and dirty details of every "celebrity's" life.
Case in point - Kelsey Grammer. I know way too much about his pending divorce. Divorce is painful enough. Do all the little details need to be blasted out over every network? Do I need to hear his divorce is being delayed because his soon-to-be ex-wife wants to re-examine his estate? He was cheating on his wife and she's pissed. We get it. That should be filed under "No Duh." Does she need to go on every channel and discuss it with these wild-eyed gossip collectors? Too much information. It's called personal for a reason!
I can't believe I'm bringing him up again, but Charlie Sheen. I know. I know. So he's hospitalized for "severe abdominal pain." Stop right there. That's all I'd like to hear about that story. Please don't inform me about the vomiting and diarrhea. Too much information. If this guy wants to kill himself, that's his personal business.
Katy Perry's new husband posted a picture of her waking up first thing in the morning looking like, well, like we do first thing in the morning. Really? How many of us would appreciate that photo being blasted around the world - famous or not?
I understand we now have 24 hour news cycles, and those 24 hours need to be filled with information. Isn't there anything else going on in the world that needs to be reported other than whether or not Mark Wahlberg is going commando on the red carpet? Come on . . .
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday's Thoughts
A few things occurred to me this week after dealing with more snow and basically being shut in the house with the television on too frequently:
- I miss flowers.
- My impression of Steven Tyler changed drastically after last night's American Idol. His humanity and kindness and caring towards the wheelchair-bound, brain-injured fiancee of a contestant moved me to tears. That man is a gem.
- You are one car accident away from your life changing drastically.
- There has to be a better way to get coal out of a mountain than sending miners in there. I cannot bear to hear another story of trapped or killed coal miners in this and other countries. It seems so 19th century.
- My kids really like cookies. A lot.
- There are lots of good ideas in the government arena but none that will come to fruition - all in the name of politics. There has to be a better way to get things done in this country.
- Living frugally or thrifty has become a lifestyle. It's no longer something to be ashamed of.
- Any woman who says she's fine sharing her spouse/significant other with another woman is kidding herself. I watch Big Love and can't imagine my husband literally spending the night with the girl next door.
- I don't spend as much time reading books as I would like.
- It snows so frequently here my kids don't even want to go play in it anymore. Been there, done that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I Can't Believe I'm One of Those Moms
Every now and again, I realize that I'm one of those moms who has no control over her children. It literally brings me to tears.
I am a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys under 5 who thinks she can handle it all. Obviously, I can't. Which brings me to my latest debacle - taking both children to the doctor's office. I know some of you moms can relate and are already nodding in agreement when I say "nightmare."
My 4 year old has some allergy-related issues that I need to see several specialists for on a somewhat frequent basis. Since all of these appointments are during the day, I drag the 1 year old along with us. I don't have a babysitter (I know, I know), my husband is at work all day, and my parents are up there in age so they can't possibly handle the 1 year old (aka demon seed).
I've been taking the 1 year old along with us for office visits since he was born, and it's gotten increasingly worse. I am drained and worn out by the time I get back in the car to go home. He's all over the place. He's yelling. He's screaming when he's told "no." Today, while in the pulmonologist's office, he pulled off and broke a vertical blind. One word for you all - MORTIFIED!
I can't believe I'm this mom. I can't believe I have children who break things and yell and run around like wild animals. By no means am I a pushover. Actually, many think quite the opposite. But I've seen too many news reports where moms have their children taken away for hitting, smacking or using any other disciplinary action in public (which I personally think is b.s. - please for the love of God do not tell me how to raise my child and then take that child away when I'm trying to raise him.) But I digress . . .
I can't remove my misbehaving 1 year old from the situation because I'm in a doctor's office with my 4 year old. Under any other circumstance, we'd be gone. I don't have anywhere else to bring him and I just wish he would behave. I love my children and how spirited they are, but I wish they could reign it in at times. Oh, and by the way, I have no idea what the pulmonologist said about the 4 year old because the 1 year old was trying to flip upside down out of my arms. Yup, one of those moms . . .
I am a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys under 5 who thinks she can handle it all. Obviously, I can't. Which brings me to my latest debacle - taking both children to the doctor's office. I know some of you moms can relate and are already nodding in agreement when I say "nightmare."
My 4 year old has some allergy-related issues that I need to see several specialists for on a somewhat frequent basis. Since all of these appointments are during the day, I drag the 1 year old along with us. I don't have a babysitter (I know, I know), my husband is at work all day, and my parents are up there in age so they can't possibly handle the 1 year old (aka demon seed).
I've been taking the 1 year old along with us for office visits since he was born, and it's gotten increasingly worse. I am drained and worn out by the time I get back in the car to go home. He's all over the place. He's yelling. He's screaming when he's told "no." Today, while in the pulmonologist's office, he pulled off and broke a vertical blind. One word for you all - MORTIFIED!
I can't believe I'm this mom. I can't believe I have children who break things and yell and run around like wild animals. By no means am I a pushover. Actually, many think quite the opposite. But I've seen too many news reports where moms have their children taken away for hitting, smacking or using any other disciplinary action in public (which I personally think is b.s. - please for the love of God do not tell me how to raise my child and then take that child away when I'm trying to raise him.) But I digress . . .
I can't remove my misbehaving 1 year old from the situation because I'm in a doctor's office with my 4 year old. Under any other circumstance, we'd be gone. I don't have anywhere else to bring him and I just wish he would behave. I love my children and how spirited they are, but I wish they could reign it in at times. Oh, and by the way, I have no idea what the pulmonologist said about the 4 year old because the 1 year old was trying to flip upside down out of my arms. Yup, one of those moms . . .
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
WARNING - This is a No Filter Post
Maybe I'm in a bad mood or just don't feel well right now, but it honestly seems to me that quite a few blogs have so much stuff going on that it takes FOREVER for them to load. I'm blog-hopping, trying to check out some of these bloggers, and the page just won't load. I'm sorry, but I wind up closing the page after a while. Having 2 small children, I spend limited time on the computer as it is. I don't need to sit for 5 minutes waiting for a blog to load.
I usually love everyone else's blog. They're so pretty and have so many neat features. Things on their page are blinking at me and rolling along. Mine is B-O-R-I-N-G and I'm sure probably loads pretty quickly. There's a saying I remember my mother repeating quite a bit when I was younger - "Quality whispers." I believe at the time she was referring to clothing. I'm not trying to be judgmental, but I have a feeling that saying may hold true for blogs as well. Sometimes too much is just too much.
Go ahead, I'm ready for the blog-bashing.
I usually love everyone else's blog. They're so pretty and have so many neat features. Things on their page are blinking at me and rolling along. Mine is B-O-R-I-N-G and I'm sure probably loads pretty quickly. There's a saying I remember my mother repeating quite a bit when I was younger - "Quality whispers." I believe at the time she was referring to clothing. I'm not trying to be judgmental, but I have a feeling that saying may hold true for blogs as well. Sometimes too much is just too much.
Go ahead, I'm ready for the blog-bashing.
Take 10 Tuesday
Time for another edition of Take 10 Tuesday. We're all so busy running here and there, cleaning this and that. Take 10 minutes for yourself today to just do what YOU want. Read a few pages in a book, listen to some music, meditate. Sneak away for 10 minutes and enjoy!
I'm hoping for 10 minutes to just sit, relax and regroup. It's been a busy couple of days so far, and I need a couple of minutes to decompress. How about you? Feel free to share.
I'm hoping for 10 minutes to just sit, relax and regroup. It's been a busy couple of days so far, and I need a couple of minutes to decompress. How about you? Feel free to share.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friend Making Monday
I found this great hop by All the Weigh called Friend Making Monday where you answer a bunch of questions and then link up on her blog. It's my first time participating, but I just love these question/answer thingies. Here goes . . .
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your most significant other? Mike
3. Your hair? brown
4. Your mother? beloved
5. Your father? loud
6. Your favorite? shopping
7. Your dream last night? don't recall
8. Your favorite drink? white wine
9. Your dream/goal? living
10. What room you are in? dining room
11. Your hobby? reading
12. Your fear? tornado
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? north carolina
14. Where were you last night? bed
15. Something that you aren't? fake
16. Muffins? sure
17. Wish list item? Keurig
18. Where you grew up? north jersey
19. Last thing you did? spoke to dad
20. What are you wearing? jeans & sweater
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pets? none
23. Friends? few
24. Your life? busy
25. Your mood? melancholy
26. Missing someone? not particularly
27. One place that I go to over and over? walgreens
28. Something you want: time to read
29. Your favorite store? Wegmans
30. Your favorite color? blue
Answer each question using only one word.
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your most significant other? Mike
3. Your hair? brown
4. Your mother? beloved
5. Your father? loud
6. Your favorite? shopping
7. Your dream last night? don't recall
8. Your favorite drink? white wine
9. Your dream/goal? living
10. What room you are in? dining room
11. Your hobby? reading
12. Your fear? tornado
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? north carolina
14. Where were you last night? bed
15. Something that you aren't? fake
16. Muffins? sure
17. Wish list item? Keurig
18. Where you grew up? north jersey
19. Last thing you did? spoke to dad
20. What are you wearing? jeans & sweater
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pets? none
23. Friends? few
24. Your life? busy
25. Your mood? melancholy
26. Missing someone? not particularly
27. One place that I go to over and over? walgreens
28. Something you want: time to read
29. Your favorite store? Wegmans
30. Your favorite color? blue
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Weekend Window
Here's a view outside my window on this frigid January morning. You'll see the snowman my guys built last weekend started to melt during the week but is now frozen solid . . . and headless. Hope wherever you are, you stay warm today!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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