Friday, February 24, 2012

Aloha Friday

Kailani at An Island Life started Aloha Friday. Want to play along? I ask a question, you answer the question in the comments. You can also ask your own question on your blog and link up at Kailani's site. Here's my question:

Are you a magazine subscriber? If so, which one?

My answer: I am not a current subscriber but I used to get, and miss, Better Homes and Gardens.


  1. I get a few magazines for free, but have to be honest that I hardly have time to stop and read them.

  2. I subscribe to whatever I can get for free. Right now it's Better Homes and Gardens, Lucky, and Glamour

  3. Right now I have a subscription to Better Homes and Gardens (though I have yet to read any of them) and Winemaker's Magazine (which I definitely read). :)

    Color Coordination

  4. I subscribe to Real Simple (my favorite magazine) and we get Family Fun Magazine with our Disneyland membership. ;D Happy Aloha Firday!!

  5. My Grandparents used to subscribe to Birds & Bloom for me for years and they no longer do so I am going to have to start up my own subscription. I love that magazine. They also subscribed to Guideposts, Readers Digest and Better Homes & Gardens for me, I guess when they get older they forget these things. But hey, that's okay because I know that they love me and that's all that counts.

  6. Somehow, I keep getting magazines sent to me.
    I enjoy a variety of magazines.

    Have a great Friday!

  7. No, but I just won a subscription for a year on Good Housekeeping & don't remember entering it. Isn't that a hoot!

  8. Only one and that's Martha Stewart Living. Love her!

  9. No. sometimes I get a free sub.

