Thursday, June 21, 2012

Library Love

I love my public library!

And I'm not even talking about the section for adults. Quite honestly, I haven't even had the opportunity to peruse that area yet. I'm referring to the kids' section.

The Eastern Branch of the Monmouth County library is beautiful, big and clean. The selection of books is OUTSTANDING. They run programs for the kids several days per week and even host movies some evenings.

Since the boys have been home for summer vacation, we've been to the library 3 times. According to my calculations, that's 3 times in one week.

Not only do I love it there, the kids get so excited when I ask them if they want to go. There's plenty of room for them to roam the aisles of books and dvds. We have quite a selection at home now that they're making their way through as I type this.

There are puzzles out for them to play with on tables. There's even a computer set up with educational games for them to play.

I'm hoping to instill my love of books in my children, and with beautiful, enticing libraries such as ours, it's not that hard.

I can't say enough good things about our public library. Oh wait, the most important thing on hot summer days like today - it's air conditioned and it's FREE!

Show your public library some love this summer.

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