Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Deal or No Deal?

I am a shopaholic. There, I admit it. Who am I kidding? I always knew it.

I love to shop. I love to look at clothes, shoes, books, shoes, housewares and, oh yeah, shoes. Cliche? Maybe. But so what? I like to shop.

It seems with the advent of email and facebook, shopping has taken on a new life for me. I am constantly barraged with coupons and deals and discounts. Seize the deal, daily deal, groupon - how can a shopaholic resist?

I have taken online shopping to a new level. A new level for me anyway. I am using those discounts and coupons daily. I am getting deals on clothes, trips and kids' toys never imagined. The delivery man and I are on a first-name basis.

I guess I've morphed into an online shopaholic. Deal or no deal, my husband still dreads the monthly credit card bill.

1 comment:

  1. that's why I pay all the credit card bills at my house.....I'd hate to find out what would happen!
