Monday, April 2, 2012

Musing Mondays

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Musing Mondays. This week's musing asks . . . Do you belong to any book clubs — face-to-face,or online? If so, how long have you been with the group(s)? If not, why?

I don't belong to any book clubs, though I have wanted to for years. I have so many books on my shelf that I can't justify joining a group to read books that aren't on my shelf. I figure once I knock off a good amount on my own, I'll get back into the search for a local face-to-face book club.


  1. I know what you mean about the to be read pile. It takes on a life of it's own and seems to grow while I'm sleeping lol. Great answer though. My Musing Mondays Post

  2. I really love my book group. I think I read more because of it--I want to read all the suggestions that my friends talk about!
