Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh, I'm Versatile

Thanks to Tish at Lots of Fun With My FaMily for sharing The Versatile Blogger Award with me. Check out her blog when you get a chance.
Of course, the rules:

-Thank the person who gave you the award.

- Share 7 things about yourself.

- Pass the award on to 10 other versatile bloggers and let them know you did.

Now the real thinking begins. What to say about me that hasn't already been said . . .
  1. I love to watch House Hunters International. Since I don't travel anywhere, I live vicariously through this show.
  2. Holidays mess up my schedule. My routine is thrown off whenever hubs is home during the week.
  3. I'm thinking about repainting my family room but hubs wants to keep it as is. Dilemma!
  4. I don't listen to music anymore unless I'm in the car. I think I need some melody back in my life.
  5. Once I start cleaning, it's hard to stop. It takes me a while to get started, but that vacuum hose is my new best friend.
  6. I used to collect plates. I still have a collection of all different kinds - mismatched, dessert, holiday, colorful. I use them decoratively.
  7. I hate swimming in the ocean (Atlantic anyway). I have no idea what's swimming around my legs but it freaks me out.
Finally, I want to share the wealth with 10 fellow bloggers. Check out their sites, too:


  1. Wow, thanks so much for this award! I'm honored!! :)

  2. Hi lovely lady, you are so sweet~~~ Thanks so much !!!!

  3. Hi! Came across your blog through over forty bloggers. Love it! I'm now a follower. You can check mine out if you want at

  4. Thanks for the award, Debs. I'm not even mad I've got to share it. :)

  5. Congrats on the new award :). Happy Tuesday.


  6. Thanks for the award. I too love House Hunters Intl.

  7. I love House Hunters Intl too! It's so exciting to think about escaping from everyday life and going to paradise!

    Congrats on the award and thanks so much for giving it to me too!

  8. Congrats to you and Thank you so much for passing it on to me!!


  9. I am right there with you on the ocean thing. Freaks me right out to swim in there.

  10. I agree that House Hunters International is a great show... although I think that my father is a bigger fan of it than I am. And I had to do a double-take when you stated that it's hard for you to stop cleaning once you start. Immediately I thought, "I need to invite her over to my place!" :) Thanks for hopping by my blog earlier. I wanted to hop back and leave some comment love for ya. Have a serendipitous week!
